At 7:54 A.M., November 8th, Mississippi Democratic congressional candidate Shuwaski Young posted the following tweet at Twitter:
Mr. Young’s connotation is clear. But, of course, the arson suspect believed to have burned those Black churches down, Mr. Devin McLaurin, is himself Black.
In my book, Uncle Tom’s Uncle, Second Edition (a free read at, in the section entitled, Threat No. 3—National disunity, on page 37, I cited as one of the factors that threaten the national unity of the United States,
“…the fiction that the United States is a ‘white supremacist country,’ a fiction especially championed by the Democratic Party, and its partners-in-crime, MSM[1] and Big Tech, at election time, to obtain Black votes for Democratic candidates for political office, as was explained by Candace Owens:
“‘Despite the media’s obsessive coverage of it[2], it represents an isolated, uncoordinated, and fringe occurrence within America. It’s a fringe occurrence that is being used, in my opinion, by Democrats, to scare Americans into giving up their votes to a party that can no longer win based on simple ideas…[3]’”
We are very Blessed in the United States. Right in our country, we have all the resources needed to live a life in balance, harmony, peace, stability and prosperity. So, I would like to offer a bit of advice for Mr. Shuwaski Young [who lost his election]. Right here in the United States, we have the ‘greatest’ pimp in American history and perhaps in world history, Bishop Don Magic Juan, “internationally known,” as he is fond of saying and as is true. I would suggest to Mr. Shuwaski that, the next time you make a move that you think will enhance your career, you first consult with “The Bishop,” as pimps, to this very day, lovingly refer to him. Because, as The Bishop always reminds everyone:
The Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy Song, by J.B. Hendricks, Cosmically approved by The Bishop
[1] Mainstream media, also called the Legacy (old) media
[2] “white supremacy”
[3] Candace Owens, speaking at the House Oversight Joint Subcommittee Hearing on Confronting White Supremacy, September 20, 2019