First, a word about the title of this article. The title mentions Black people first not because I hate Black people more than I hate White people, and not because Black people—as Black Consciousness, Black Nationalist, and Pan-Africanist people constantly remind us—are the “original people” who were here on the planet first (supposedly).
Black people are mentioned first in the title simply because the letter ‘B,’ in the word “Black,” appears higher in the alphabet than the letter ‘W,’ in the word “White.” In other words, in writing the title, I chose to use the system of alphabetical order. Like, had I hated Polish people [just forget, for a moment, that they’re “White”] and Vietnamese people [just forget, for a moment, that they’re “Orientals”…uh…sorry…I meant, “Asians”], see, the title would have been, “Why I Hate Polish People. Why I Hate Vietnamese People,” because the letter ‘P’ is higher in the alphabet than the letter ‘V.’
Well, firstly, I think it appropriate to inform you of the approximate times in history, respectively, that Black people and White People were invented. Now, this is going to be a big surprise for some, if not many of you, I’m sure. Guess who was invented first? White people. Yep!! I kid you not. White people were invented somewhere around the second half of the 17th century, like, let’s say, between 1651 and 1699—somewhere in there. You can look it up. These days, I think you can even major in “Whiteness Studies,” in college.
If you perform a search, at, on “Whiteness Studies,” as of this moment, 11:30 AM, March 1st, 2023, you’ll get 11,801 pages of returns that include 118,009 full text papers that match the search terms, “Whiteness Studies.” Seriously, check it out. A cursory examination of some of those papers confirm the 17th century date of the invention of White people. Before that time White people didn’t know they were White people, until they were told that they were. You see, Polish, British, German, Lithuanian, Greek, Swedish, Swiss, etc., people were different nationalities. And if any one identity existed amongst them, it was Christian (or Catholic, or Protestant, etc.) But nobody was White.
I didn’t really know that White people were White until 1967, my Junior year in high school. I was raised in an all-Negro [Negroes were invented long before Blacks were, but then, somehow, Negroes disappeared] neighborhood, on the south side of Chicago, in an area called Washington Park, which was just west of Hyde Park. Well, I guess I did know that White people were White. But what I didn’t know is what it really meant to be White. I would be taught that later, starting in 1967, by people who called themselves “Black revolutionaries” and other people who called themselves “White liberals.” Both Black revolutionaries and White liberals possessed a visceral hatred for White people, each for two different reasons. (Yeah, it got confusing).
From 1950, when I was born, until 1967, being White didn’t really mean much. The “insurance man” was White. He’d come to collect my dad’s insurance check. He didn’t mean much else. Nice guy, though. Oh, there was Mr. Benson, the only White person in the hood, who owned the grocery store (named, “Benson’s”) on the northwest corner of 51st & Indiana, on the south side of Chicago. He didn’t mean much else either. He eventually married a Black Negro woman and had a Negro Black whatever child by her. He later sold his store, purchased a Jewelry store in downtown Chicago, and taught his Black Negro whatever son how to manage it.
My dad would sometimes send either me or my brother, or both, to Benson’s to purchase some food, or Coca-Cola, or a couple of packages of Phillip Morris cigarettes. I’m not certain about this, but I don’t recall Daddy Cheese ever saying to us, “Ya’ll go on down to White Benson’s and get two loaves of Wonder bread.”
Wonder bread was white. And so was the female that appeared on the wrapper of Wonder bread. My dad liked that female, too!! But not because she was White. My dad just liked females. Most of his girlfriends were Black Negro:
Hattie Mae Hopkins
Hattie Mae Hearn
Fannie Mae (very convenient, too, since she was our next-door neighbor).
But there were also his two White girlfriends:
Dorothy was kind of on the “full-figured” side. But not too full-figured. Daddy Cheese just would not go for a too full-figured female. That just wasn’t happening. Lola, on the other hand, was more along the lines of……..hmmm………Tryna figure out how to describe Lola………Let’s just say, more along the lines of a tall, Playboy Playmate/Bunny, or something like that [I beg pardon from my religious brothers and sisters].
I think that dad saw women as a separate race. He had NO CONCEPTION WHATSOEVER of color when it came to females. Had we lived near Chicago’s Chinatown, the list would have grown by at least one. And Daddy Cheese, an undefeated boxer, had more than enough confidence in his martial arts skills to go up against any Chinese male, competent martial artist, if it came to that. Just saying.
Benson? He was just Benson. It wasn’t until I was grown that I learned that Benson was a Jew. He was Jewish. He’s one of millions of people that, in 1967, I discovered were White—and, supposedly, hated me (even if I didn’t know them and they didn’t know me).
Okay, what about Black people? When were Black people invented? Black people were invented after the Civil Rights Movement (1954-1968) ended. That’s when Colored people and Negroes somehow disappeared. And again, don’t take my word for it! Just like White Studies, you can major in Black Studies in college still, I think.
And again, if you perform a search, at, on “Black Studies,” as of this moment, 12:14 PM, March 1st, 2023, you’ll get a whopping 582,038 pages of returns that include 5,820,372 full text papers that match the search terms, “Black Studies.” Seriously, check it out. A cursory examination of some of those papers confirm the post-Civil Rights Movement date of the invention of Black people.
Incidentally, if you perform a search, at, on “Negroes,” as of this moment, 12:17 PM, March 1st, 2023, you’ll get only 4,731 pages of returns that include 47,302 full text papers that match the search terms, “Negroes.” I mean, C’MON!! That sh*t ain’t EVEN fair!! 😡🤬 Yeah, having been born in 1950, as a Negro, I got a BIG beef!! Heck, on the south side of Chicago alone, Negroes, prior to the 1960s, built the following, as I’ve mentioned in other Substack articles:
Two Hospitals,
Black-Negro/Colored-founded, Negro/Colored-owned, and Negro/Colored-operated: Provident Hospital and Ida Mae Scott Hospital.A bank, Negro/Colored-owned and operated
An insurance company, Negro/Colored-owned and operated
Two mini-supermarkets, Negro/Colored-owned and operated
Doctors offices, Negro/Colored-owned and operated
Dental offices, Negro/Colored-owned and operated
TV repair shops, Negro/Colored-owned and operated
A couple of hotels and motels, Negro/Colored-owned and operated
A few theatres, Negro/Colored-owned and operated.
Two taxi-cab companies, Negro/Colored-owned and operated,
Mom and pop stores, Negro/Colored-owned and operated
Restaurants, Negro/Colored-owned and operated
Churches, Negro/Colored-owned and operated
Two-parent families
Rare divorce
No gun violence.
And look at what Dr. Claud Anderson, a former Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce said about what Negroes accomplished, back in the day!!!
And watch what Mr. Sinclair Weeks, who was Secretary of the United States Department of Commerce from 1953 to 1959, said about the economic power of Negroes back then.
I mean, you KNOW?! Negroes can’t get a BREAK anymore!! Well, anyway, Daddy Cheese sent my brother and I to Catholic schools. I did the entire trip—elementary through high school. All of my teachers, except one—Miss Hunter, my 4th grade teacher—were……TEACHERS. I can look back now and realize that their faces were what is now called “White.” But I really didn’t know that they were White people.
And my FAVORITE “White” people were those dudes and dudettes on TV Westerns. I’m talking about The Lone Ranger, Matt Dillon, Maverick, Paladin, Jim Bowie, Roy Rogers, Daniel Boone, Kit Carson, Wild Bill Hickok, The Cartwrights, Bronco Lane, Buffalo Bill, Jr., Cheyenne (Cheyenne Bodie), Davey Crocket, Annie Oakley, Dale Evans. In fact, pre-1960s, White people served mainly as entertainment for Black people, on television. They were really good at it, too.
Anyway, in 1967 I got introduced to Black nationalism by an alumni of my high school, Hales Franciscan High School. He told me that White people were my enemies, because all of them had placed me in slavery [?], placed all Black people in slavery [?], and were trying to wipe us off the planet. Well, in high school, there was only one priest [White] that I hated: Fr. Evans. But, I didn’t hate him because he was White. I hated him because he was a f*cking asshole. He seemed to hate himself, us students, life and anybody who didn’t understand or like mathematics. During the entire four years that I attended Hales Franciscan High School, Fr. Evans didn’t smile even one time—not once.
Well, as it turned out, as I can now easily see, it was relatively easy for me, a pouty-faced, 17-year-old who didn’t know where I fitted in this world, to be convinced that White people were my perpetual, mortal enemies, even though every White person [except Fr. Evans] that I’d encountered, up to that point, was cool. The day after Dr. Martin Luther King got killed, April 5th, 1968, I’d instantly become a “Black revolutionary” and that very same day created an organization called B.A.D.—Black, Active, and Determined. Within one month I had two branches in Chicago, one on the south side, and one up north in Old Town Gardens. BLACK POWER!!!!
Below, in bullet-point format, are characteristics of Black people that I can’t stand. I’m talking about Black people, not Negroes and Colored people. Negroes and Colored people, remember, had disappeared by the 1960s. I have no idea where they went. Black people, recall, had been invented after the Civil Rights Movement, and became popular during the social revolution of the 1960s, which included Black Nationalism, the Hippie movement, Second Wave Feminism, the anti-war/anti-Vietnam war movement, Hare Krishna, Nichiren Shoshu Soka Gokai, drugs, free love [on free love, see my Substack article, entitled, Reparations — 1960s style — and the Limits of Blackness], etc. By about 1967, Negroes and Colored people had disappeared.
Well, here are some things I can’t stand about Black people. By the way, if you identify as “Black,” but do not feel that you are characterized by any of the following, then maybe you’re actually a Negro. And if so, can you please tell us where all the Negroes went?
Complain, perpetually, about “The White Man.”
Engage in group think.
Love to call brown and black-skinned people who don’t agree with them as “brainwashed” or, even worse, “uncle toms.”
Complain, perpetually, about slavery, Jim Crow, racism, segregation, structural racism, critical racism, White racism [I thought that, to Black folks, “White” and “racism” were synonyms. No? I’m confused]
Unlike what Negroes and Colored people had done, in creating and sustaining an ethic that included planning and building, Black people spend an infinite amount of time complaining and very little time planning and building.
Are VERY self-centered (“Black Lives Matter,” as in, “F*ck everybody else!”)
Are stuck within the past 400 years, unable to, or unwilling to view themselves as free, unbound, and unlimited.
In constantly thinking about “The White Man,” have subconsciously elevated “The White Man” to the position of an invincible god. An English word for this mental condition is idolatry. An Arabic word for it is shirk.
I hate White people because White people invented Black people. (Sort of)
Okay, that’s it. Now you know why I hate Black people and why I hate White people. Well, actually, I don’t hate anyone. It’s just a matter of speech, used legitimately to criticize an aspect of American culture that is getting tiring. Damn, ENOUGH already!!!
Maybe if Indian-Americans, Asian-Americans, African [FROM AFRICA!!!!!]-Americans, Haitian-Americans, and any European-Americans who ain’t turned White yet, can have more babies than Black Americans and White Americans; and if Negroes and Colored People ever come back, then maybe we can get something DONE in America, for a change!! Peace.
This is a great and really thought-provoking post, Ron, and it made me smile :)