You are very welcome, Ron! I have shared your video on the superiority of the Black community with a friend (Ugandan who has lived in the UK for many years) who is unfortunately so influenced by the mainstream media narratives that he did not watch it with an open mind.
But he generally does not have enough knowledge about the history of Black communities in America, e.g. he does not know that there was a huge difference between the North and the South of the US in the 1950s. I have tried to explain it to him, I have even given him the example of Emmett Till who came to Mississippi from Chicago and tragically did not realize that Black boys and men had to be very cautious in the presence of white women in the South.
I thought that my friend knew much more about Black history in the US, but maybe I should not be surprised...
Thanks. Well, as you very well know, these days, narrative has replaced true knowledge. This is why I've tried very hard, when I write articles, to write what I KNOW about and have experienced.
For instance, the articles I've written about the institutions that Black folks built, pre-1960s, needed no research on my part, although I included testimonies from Dr. Claud Anderson and others. The reason that I had no need to perform research is because I LIVED it. I grew up, pre-1960s, watching Black folks build all kinds of institutions, such as I have listed in a number of Substack articles.
I witnessed and USED those institutions, and I witnessed the VALUES that our people had, pre-1960s, that were the bases for the self-sufficiency that our people achieved. No, it wasn't everywhere. But it was MUCH, MUCH better, and much more widespread, back then, both in terms of number of institutions, as well as their quality, than exists today.
The narrative that the American left, which includes the Democratic Party, MSM (mainstream media), and Big Tech pushes is that our people are perpetual victims. Even OUR OWN YOUTH have bought into this narrative. It is a narrative that our corrupt politicians use to keep us divided, and to keep themselves in power. It's a SLICK, and NASTY political game they've been playing since the 1960s. They've honed it to a science.
But, fortunately, those now preferring to call themselves "Black conservatives," are gradually turning the tide. Two examples of that are the two documentaries, Uncle Tom and Uncle Tom II. POWERFUL!!
Also, Dr. Thomas Sowell is having a tremendous impact on de-programming Black youth out of victim mentality. Carol Swain; Candace Owens; the young Chad O. Jackson; Larry Elder, who ran for Governor of California; the actor, Denzel Washington; Ben Carson, former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and others, are working hard to awaken Black youth out of the debilitating slumber of victimhood.
There's an annual Black conservative convention coming up, towards the end of this month. I had not known of its existence until two days ago. It will be celebrating it's 5th annual gathering at a convention center near Chicago. I'm contemplating going.
So, there is now an ongoing attempt, by conservative Black folks, to educate people against the politically-motivated narrative propaganda pushed by the American left, in its ongoing campaign to keep the country SPLIT so that IT can maintain power. Luckily (but not quickly enough) this is also being broken down by the actions of conservative citizens all over the country, as well as conservative politicians such as Governor DeSantis of Florida.
In truth, it's a CIVIL WAR that actually began in the early 1960s. The American left can almost be said to have won that war. But, upon reflection, one can now see that they had won a series of battles, but NOT the war. One HUGE problem is that they "win" by cheating, lying, twisting, and creating false narratives. It's part of the reason that I started writing, first at, as you recall, and then at Substack.
Thanks again, IMMENSELY, for your ongoing support!! Believe me, it strengthens my morale to receive such support!
Ron, I am very happy to hear that my support means a lot to you!
You are so right in saying that narrative has replaced true knowledge. The British Ugandan friend I mentioned has actually claimed that Black people still don't have equal rights in the US! He sounds like someone convinced that he is right, though he has never been to the US and does not even know personally any African Americans. The things he is saying seem to come from the CNN and from the stuff he is watching on Netflix...
Yes, I know that you write on the basis of your own experiences and I deeply appreciate it. I love so much this quote from your video on the superiority of the Black community in the 1950s - "What I believe, more than theories like critical race theory and all that crap, is a lived life"! Such knowledge means infinitely more than any theories.
I also totally agree with you that American "progressives" portray Black people as perpetual victims. The friend I have mentioned has implied that even Black people who kill other Black people are "victims" and that white people are "perpetrators"... It is so strange because he does not hate whites. I just think that he is much too quick to believe the things he hears on TV...
I agree with you that this narrative about Black people as eternal victims is being promoted in order to keep people divided - not only in the US, but also elsewhere in the West. I personally became very interested in Black conservatives when in June 2020 I was removed from an academic online group (most of the members were Black American academics) only because I had criticized a Black colleague who had been reducing me to my "whiteness" and making bizarre, unfounded and highly disturbing claims on white women, such as "white women have been systematically raping Black men"! (Of course I am not saying that white women have not been involved in slavery etc., but this academic's claim that they are sexual predators sounds frankly delusional).
I felt very hurt when I found out that I had been removed from that group (I was one of its members for many years and saw it as my community) and I decided to find out if there are any well-known Black authors and scholars who are against the idea that a white person who criticizes a Black academic is being hostile, arrogant and even racist. I soon realized that Black conservatives are against reducing people to their race and support the freedom of speech.
I think that it could be a really wonderful idea for you to go this Black conservative convention! By the way, I did not realize that Denzel Washington whom I greatly admire is a Black conservative, but this does not surprise me in the least... I remember once listening to an excellent speach by him, I think that it was a speech to the graduates of a college or university.
And yes, the American "left" (it has little in common with the real left who was fighting for genuine social justice) has not yet won the war! As you said, false narratives which completely distort reality are one of the main weapons of these people. So yes, I fully understand why you decided to start writing your articles :)
I still have to watch the docus "Uncle Tom" and "Uncle Tom II", I am definitely going to watch them! Enjoy your weekend and yes, you can always count on my support :)
"...when in June 2020 I was removed from an academic online group (most of the members were Black American academics) only because I had criticized a Black colleague who had been reducing me to my "whiteness" and making bizarre, unfounded and highly disturbing claims on white women, such as "white women have been systematically raping Black men"! (Of course I am not saying that white women have not been involved in slavery etc., but this academic's claim that they are sexual predators sounds frankly delusional)."
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😁😂🤣😂😁😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Pardon me for making a little joke, but I can't help it: God, I WISH that White women had been "systematically raping Black men"!!! I would have GOTTEN IN LINE!!!! "RAPE ME, BABY, RAPE ME!!!!" LOL!!!! Oh, sh*t, that's the FUNNIEST THING I've heard in a couple of years!!! 😂😂😂😂
Aw, man!! I'm laughing so hard my STOMACH is hurting!!! You made my day!!!!!
Let me guess: May I assume that the person who said that was a Black WOMAN?? If not, I'd be surprised. Oh, by the way!! Would you do me a big favor, please? Would you create a new name and password, sign back onto that academic group, and ask that woman if she has an ADDRESS, in the U.S. (preferably the Chicago area) where White women gather to rape Black men?? I'd REALLY appreciate it!!! 😊
Lord have mercy. These people have lost their minds!! Oy vey.
So, welcome to online academic cancel culture!! YEP!! That's what they do. This is why the American conservatives are 100% right about the dictatorial nature of the American liberal left. They can't DEAL with legitimate debate and challenges. They've created a big echo chamber. That's all they want: everybody to agree with them, no matter how INSANE their beliefs.
Well, as regards your Ugandan friend, his attempt to try to truly understand the American scene would be like me trying to truly understand the Ugandan scene. It would be like my trying to fully understand why a certain percentage of Polish people still see Russia as "Communist." I might have a bit of an understanding of Polish history during Communism, from the little bit I'd read about the Polish labor union, Solidarsk; or the efforts of Pope John Paul to fight against Communism in Poland. But I could NEVER fully understand the minds of Polish people, because I didn't grow up in Poland.
Now, don't forget my request!! See if you can find out where, in the Chicago area, White women gather to rape Black men. This is IMPORTANT to me!!!!! 😈😉😊
Ron, your reaction to the story I told you in my earlier comment really made me laugh! And I am not in the least surprised by your reaction :) In fact, your reaction confirms my general impression about you: that you have a great sense of humour, that you speak your mind, that you see reality as it is and that it would be impossible to brainwash you!
This academic who is portraying white women as rapists is actually a man! He is using some extremely unusual and rare cases as his evidence, e.g. a case where a white woman, Anna Stubblefield, was having sex with a severely disabled young Black man who is unable to talk.
The assumption is that this man is unable to consent to sex. However, of course the idea that some adult people are "unable to consent to sex" because of their disabilities is questionable - if we accept this idea, it means that we assume that such people should never have sex with anyone.
The behaviour of Anna Stubblefield may have been indeed very abusive, but a friend has told me that many years ago some young men he knew were meeting young women with intellectual disabilities for sex in a London neighbourhood. He said that the women WANTED to have sex with these men! Of course according to the current mainstream narrative these women were abused by these men, but I am not sure if it is true...
To return to this academic, one of his favourite theories is that under slavery and later under the Jim Crow system, as well as in colonized Africa, white women were forcing Black men to have sex with them. There are a few 19th century sources claiming that there were some cases of such abuse, but there are no reliable sources indicating that such abuse might have been frequent and even "systematic".
This academic has actually deliberately misinterpreted some 19th century sources... I pointed it out and this was one of the reasons why I was removed from that online group ;) He also likes writing about Black girls and women who sexually abuse Black boys. He generally portrays women as predatory and Black boys and men as their victims! Of course it is true that boys can be sexually abused by women and there are probably cases of women who exploit their power to have sex with e.g. their male employees, but this academic is clearly hugely exaggerating the scale of the two problems.
As you say, these people have indeed lost their minds and created an echo chamber. As it seems, the colleagues of this academic never publicly question his claims. It seems, too, that many Black male academics think that they should support him simply because he is a Black man like them... I also have the impression that plenty of academics care mainly about their own careers and not about the truth.
I fully agree with you on my Ugandan friend. As you say, he simply does not truly understand the American society - I even told him that maybe he should go to the US one day and see what the situation of Black Americans is REALLY like...
As to Poland, it is funny that you mention the beliefs of some Poles on Russia. I am Polish myself, but I can't understand why so many Poles are fiercely anti-Russian! I have personally always liked the Russian language and I love the Russian literature. Russia is very culturally close to Poland. Many Poles seem to hate Russia mainly because it is a much larger and much more important country than Poland and also because countries like the US and the UK portray Russia as evil!
I find it so bizarre that many Poles now demonize Russia and feel much closer to the West, though both Poland and Russia are Slavic countries! These people are too much in love with the West to see reality as it is... Many of them even uncritically copy all kinds of American trends, especially transgenderism.
This is a great and really thought-provoking post, Ron, and it made me smile :)
As the Cowardly Lion would say, 😊
Thank you!!! I am SO glad that you got a kick out of it! Feel free to tell others about the article.
You are very welcome, Ron! I have shared your video on the superiority of the Black community with a friend (Ugandan who has lived in the UK for many years) who is unfortunately so influenced by the mainstream media narratives that he did not watch it with an open mind.
But he generally does not have enough knowledge about the history of Black communities in America, e.g. he does not know that there was a huge difference between the North and the South of the US in the 1950s. I have tried to explain it to him, I have even given him the example of Emmett Till who came to Mississippi from Chicago and tragically did not realize that Black boys and men had to be very cautious in the presence of white women in the South.
I thought that my friend knew much more about Black history in the US, but maybe I should not be surprised...
Have a great rest of the week!
Thanks. Well, as you very well know, these days, narrative has replaced true knowledge. This is why I've tried very hard, when I write articles, to write what I KNOW about and have experienced.
For instance, the articles I've written about the institutions that Black folks built, pre-1960s, needed no research on my part, although I included testimonies from Dr. Claud Anderson and others. The reason that I had no need to perform research is because I LIVED it. I grew up, pre-1960s, watching Black folks build all kinds of institutions, such as I have listed in a number of Substack articles.
I witnessed and USED those institutions, and I witnessed the VALUES that our people had, pre-1960s, that were the bases for the self-sufficiency that our people achieved. No, it wasn't everywhere. But it was MUCH, MUCH better, and much more widespread, back then, both in terms of number of institutions, as well as their quality, than exists today.
The narrative that the American left, which includes the Democratic Party, MSM (mainstream media), and Big Tech pushes is that our people are perpetual victims. Even OUR OWN YOUTH have bought into this narrative. It is a narrative that our corrupt politicians use to keep us divided, and to keep themselves in power. It's a SLICK, and NASTY political game they've been playing since the 1960s. They've honed it to a science.
But, fortunately, those now preferring to call themselves "Black conservatives," are gradually turning the tide. Two examples of that are the two documentaries, Uncle Tom and Uncle Tom II. POWERFUL!!
Also, Dr. Thomas Sowell is having a tremendous impact on de-programming Black youth out of victim mentality. Carol Swain; Candace Owens; the young Chad O. Jackson; Larry Elder, who ran for Governor of California; the actor, Denzel Washington; Ben Carson, former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and others, are working hard to awaken Black youth out of the debilitating slumber of victimhood.
There's an annual Black conservative convention coming up, towards the end of this month. I had not known of its existence until two days ago. It will be celebrating it's 5th annual gathering at a convention center near Chicago. I'm contemplating going.
So, there is now an ongoing attempt, by conservative Black folks, to educate people against the politically-motivated narrative propaganda pushed by the American left, in its ongoing campaign to keep the country SPLIT so that IT can maintain power. Luckily (but not quickly enough) this is also being broken down by the actions of conservative citizens all over the country, as well as conservative politicians such as Governor DeSantis of Florida.
In truth, it's a CIVIL WAR that actually began in the early 1960s. The American left can almost be said to have won that war. But, upon reflection, one can now see that they had won a series of battles, but NOT the war. One HUGE problem is that they "win" by cheating, lying, twisting, and creating false narratives. It's part of the reason that I started writing, first at, as you recall, and then at Substack.
Thanks again, IMMENSELY, for your ongoing support!! Believe me, it strengthens my morale to receive such support!
Ron, I am very happy to hear that my support means a lot to you!
You are so right in saying that narrative has replaced true knowledge. The British Ugandan friend I mentioned has actually claimed that Black people still don't have equal rights in the US! He sounds like someone convinced that he is right, though he has never been to the US and does not even know personally any African Americans. The things he is saying seem to come from the CNN and from the stuff he is watching on Netflix...
Yes, I know that you write on the basis of your own experiences and I deeply appreciate it. I love so much this quote from your video on the superiority of the Black community in the 1950s - "What I believe, more than theories like critical race theory and all that crap, is a lived life"! Such knowledge means infinitely more than any theories.
I also totally agree with you that American "progressives" portray Black people as perpetual victims. The friend I have mentioned has implied that even Black people who kill other Black people are "victims" and that white people are "perpetrators"... It is so strange because he does not hate whites. I just think that he is much too quick to believe the things he hears on TV...
I agree with you that this narrative about Black people as eternal victims is being promoted in order to keep people divided - not only in the US, but also elsewhere in the West. I personally became very interested in Black conservatives when in June 2020 I was removed from an academic online group (most of the members were Black American academics) only because I had criticized a Black colleague who had been reducing me to my "whiteness" and making bizarre, unfounded and highly disturbing claims on white women, such as "white women have been systematically raping Black men"! (Of course I am not saying that white women have not been involved in slavery etc., but this academic's claim that they are sexual predators sounds frankly delusional).
I felt very hurt when I found out that I had been removed from that group (I was one of its members for many years and saw it as my community) and I decided to find out if there are any well-known Black authors and scholars who are against the idea that a white person who criticizes a Black academic is being hostile, arrogant and even racist. I soon realized that Black conservatives are against reducing people to their race and support the freedom of speech.
I think that it could be a really wonderful idea for you to go this Black conservative convention! By the way, I did not realize that Denzel Washington whom I greatly admire is a Black conservative, but this does not surprise me in the least... I remember once listening to an excellent speach by him, I think that it was a speech to the graduates of a college or university.
And yes, the American "left" (it has little in common with the real left who was fighting for genuine social justice) has not yet won the war! As you said, false narratives which completely distort reality are one of the main weapons of these people. So yes, I fully understand why you decided to start writing your articles :)
I still have to watch the docus "Uncle Tom" and "Uncle Tom II", I am definitely going to watch them! Enjoy your weekend and yes, you can always count on my support :)
"...when in June 2020 I was removed from an academic online group (most of the members were Black American academics) only because I had criticized a Black colleague who had been reducing me to my "whiteness" and making bizarre, unfounded and highly disturbing claims on white women, such as "white women have been systematically raping Black men"! (Of course I am not saying that white women have not been involved in slavery etc., but this academic's claim that they are sexual predators sounds frankly delusional)."
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😁😂🤣😂😁😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Pardon me for making a little joke, but I can't help it: God, I WISH that White women had been "systematically raping Black men"!!! I would have GOTTEN IN LINE!!!! "RAPE ME, BABY, RAPE ME!!!!" LOL!!!! Oh, sh*t, that's the FUNNIEST THING I've heard in a couple of years!!! 😂😂😂😂
Aw, man!! I'm laughing so hard my STOMACH is hurting!!! You made my day!!!!!
Let me guess: May I assume that the person who said that was a Black WOMAN?? If not, I'd be surprised. Oh, by the way!! Would you do me a big favor, please? Would you create a new name and password, sign back onto that academic group, and ask that woman if she has an ADDRESS, in the U.S. (preferably the Chicago area) where White women gather to rape Black men?? I'd REALLY appreciate it!!! 😊
Lord have mercy. These people have lost their minds!! Oy vey.
So, welcome to online academic cancel culture!! YEP!! That's what they do. This is why the American conservatives are 100% right about the dictatorial nature of the American liberal left. They can't DEAL with legitimate debate and challenges. They've created a big echo chamber. That's all they want: everybody to agree with them, no matter how INSANE their beliefs.
Well, as regards your Ugandan friend, his attempt to try to truly understand the American scene would be like me trying to truly understand the Ugandan scene. It would be like my trying to fully understand why a certain percentage of Polish people still see Russia as "Communist." I might have a bit of an understanding of Polish history during Communism, from the little bit I'd read about the Polish labor union, Solidarsk; or the efforts of Pope John Paul to fight against Communism in Poland. But I could NEVER fully understand the minds of Polish people, because I didn't grow up in Poland.
Now, don't forget my request!! See if you can find out where, in the Chicago area, White women gather to rape Black men. This is IMPORTANT to me!!!!! 😈😉😊
Ron, your reaction to the story I told you in my earlier comment really made me laugh! And I am not in the least surprised by your reaction :) In fact, your reaction confirms my general impression about you: that you have a great sense of humour, that you speak your mind, that you see reality as it is and that it would be impossible to brainwash you!
This academic who is portraying white women as rapists is actually a man! He is using some extremely unusual and rare cases as his evidence, e.g. a case where a white woman, Anna Stubblefield, was having sex with a severely disabled young Black man who is unable to talk.
The assumption is that this man is unable to consent to sex. However, of course the idea that some adult people are "unable to consent to sex" because of their disabilities is questionable - if we accept this idea, it means that we assume that such people should never have sex with anyone.
The behaviour of Anna Stubblefield may have been indeed very abusive, but a friend has told me that many years ago some young men he knew were meeting young women with intellectual disabilities for sex in a London neighbourhood. He said that the women WANTED to have sex with these men! Of course according to the current mainstream narrative these women were abused by these men, but I am not sure if it is true...
To return to this academic, one of his favourite theories is that under slavery and later under the Jim Crow system, as well as in colonized Africa, white women were forcing Black men to have sex with them. There are a few 19th century sources claiming that there were some cases of such abuse, but there are no reliable sources indicating that such abuse might have been frequent and even "systematic".
This academic has actually deliberately misinterpreted some 19th century sources... I pointed it out and this was one of the reasons why I was removed from that online group ;) He also likes writing about Black girls and women who sexually abuse Black boys. He generally portrays women as predatory and Black boys and men as their victims! Of course it is true that boys can be sexually abused by women and there are probably cases of women who exploit their power to have sex with e.g. their male employees, but this academic is clearly hugely exaggerating the scale of the two problems.
As you say, these people have indeed lost their minds and created an echo chamber. As it seems, the colleagues of this academic never publicly question his claims. It seems, too, that many Black male academics think that they should support him simply because he is a Black man like them... I also have the impression that plenty of academics care mainly about their own careers and not about the truth.
I fully agree with you on my Ugandan friend. As you say, he simply does not truly understand the American society - I even told him that maybe he should go to the US one day and see what the situation of Black Americans is REALLY like...
As to Poland, it is funny that you mention the beliefs of some Poles on Russia. I am Polish myself, but I can't understand why so many Poles are fiercely anti-Russian! I have personally always liked the Russian language and I love the Russian literature. Russia is very culturally close to Poland. Many Poles seem to hate Russia mainly because it is a much larger and much more important country than Poland and also because countries like the US and the UK portray Russia as evil!
I find it so bizarre that many Poles now demonize Russia and feel much closer to the West, though both Poland and Russia are Slavic countries! These people are too much in love with the West to see reality as it is... Many of them even uncritically copy all kinds of American trends, especially transgenderism.
Have a beautiful Sunday :)